Catastrophic Injury or Fatal Work Accidents

Catastrophic or Fatal Work Accidents

Catastrophic or Fatal Work Accidents

Workplace injuries can be fatal

Construction work carries with it inherent risks in California. Precautions are taken and safety rules and regulations are put in place in an attempt to reduce the risks. Workplace injuries, sometimes fatal, still happen.

A construction company was recently repaving a church parking lot in Palo Alto. The company was working on clearing leaves and debris from the parking lot in preparation for repaving. A Bobcat with a leaf blower attached to the back was being used to clear leaves. A 17-year-old worker was killed when the Bobcat ran over him. It is believed that the young man was kneeling down and that the driver of the Bobcat did not see him.

Emergency personnel were called to the scene at about 8:45 a.m. They had been called out to assist a person stuck under a vehicle. CPR was administered when crews arrived but the young man was pronounced dead at the scene. The California Division of Occupational Safety and Health is investigating the circumstances of the accident. A spokesman said the investigation could take up to six months.

When a loved one leaves for work on any given day in California it is expected that he or she will return. When workplace injuries result in death the shock and grief can be overwhelming. As the feelings of grief and shock begin to subside, family and loved ones may try to process and understand what happened. A conversation with a knowledgeable workers’ compensation attorney may assist a family in establishing what their legal rights are under the law and what options are open to them.

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