
Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

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Restaurants must provide workers’ compensation insurance coverage
By admin August 17, 2018

Restaurants must provide workers’ compensation insurance coverage

On behalf of Godwin and Rubin posted in Workers’ Compensation on Friday, August 17, 2018.

A person working in a restaurant in California has a right to expect a safe work environment, but restaurant work can be dangerous. Between hot surfaces, slippery floors, sharp knives and heavy pots, there is ample opportunity for accidental injury. Restaurants are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance. Sadly, not all establishments comply with this requirement.

A recent joint investigation near San Francisco conducted by the District Attorney’s office, Department of Industrial Relations and the Employment Development Department found nine restaurants that were not in compliance with the requirement to provide workers’ compensation. The restaurants were fined. They are also subject to misdemeanor criminal prosecution.

In addition to being required to carry workers’ compensation insurance, food establishments are also required to post proof of the insurance in a prominent location. The restaurants cited had previously received warning letters regarding the failure to provide the required insurance. They had apparently failed to reply to the warning.

Working in the food business can be very rewarding but as with almost any other industry it does carry risks. If a person exercises caution but still experiences an injury on the job, he or she has a right to workers’ compensation benefits. A person who suffers such an injury and who has questions regarding his or her rights under the workers’ compensation law in California may benefit from seeking the advice and counsel of an experienced attorney. A knowledgeable lawyer can review the circumstances of one’s case and assist the client in determining what legal options are available.

At Godwin & Rubin, we will stand up for you and get you the workers’ compensation benefits you deserve.
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    At Godwin & Rubin, we will stand up for you and get you the workers’ compensation benefits you deserve.
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