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Stress on the job can lead to workplace illness in California
By admin July 4, 2017

Stress on the job can lead to workplace illness in California

On behalf of Godwin and Rubin posted in Workplace Illness on Friday, August 4, 2017.

A certain amount of stress in the workplace is to be expected. After all, stress can create a sense of urgency that can increase productivity and translate into profit. However, not all stress is good, and workers in California who experience undue frustration on the job make fall victim to workplace illness. Human resources advocates recommend that employers find ways to keep stress under control and provide options for employees who struggle to cope with pressure on the job.

Too much stress in the workplace can be expensive for businesses. A job with too much pressure and too little reward may cause excessive turnover and high absenteeism. Job performance suffers when an employee feels anxiety about his or her work, and accidents are more likely when a worker is stressed.

However, stress on the job is increasingly blamed for physical illnesses such as heart disease and headaches, as well as mental health issues like depression and anxiety. Experts believe some workplace stress can be alleviated by proper job training, realistic goals and quotas, a corporate wellness program incorporating mental health and generous time off policies. Also essential for a healthy workplace is management that keeps its finger on the pulse of employee conflicts and harassment issues that can create a toxic environment for all workers.

Stress-related workplace illness is real, and while such ailments may manifest with physical symptoms, they may also be difficult to identify or diagnose. Mental health issues related to workplace stress are particularly difficult to prove, and California workers suffering with such incapacitating conditions may struggle to obtain the benefits necessary to seek quality help. Fortunately, the advocacy of an attorney with experience in such situations may prove invaluable.

Source: bizjournals.com, “8 ways employers can minimize workplace stress,” Jay Starkman, Accessed on July 21, 2017

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